Denna version är 3.5 men uppgraderas till version 5 utan extra kostnad vid registrering
Dorico Pro är nästa generations notationsmjukvara från Steinberg, med ett helt nytt sätt att arbeta med noter. Byggd för dagens flerkärniga 64-bitars processorer i åtanke, drar Dorico nytta av alla systemets hästkrafter medan det intuitiva arbetsflödet hjälper dig att fokusera på varje aspekt i ditt musikskapande. I Dorico finns hundratals alternativ för att kontrollera varje aspekt av din musik och programmet är även bestyckat med Steinbergs prisbelönta ljudmotor. Det finns även möjlighet att använda alla dina VST3 instrument och effekter i programmet.
Nyheter i version från 3.5
● VST Expression Maps: extensive, smart expression maps give you increased control over today’s advanced sample libraries [Pro/Elements/SE]
● Figured bass: intelligent support for adding figures to any bass part, and specifying how they are to appear [Pro/Elements/SE]
● Pitch before duration input: quickly and easily sketch out ideas on your MIDI keyboard before committing them to your score — perfect for users of Finale Speedy Entry [Pro/Elements/SE]
● Guitar notation: extended support for hammer-ons, pull-offs, tapping, and vibrato arm scoops, dips, bends, and dives [Pro/Elements/SE]
● Chord diagrams: with a single click, add a grid below the title showing the chord shapes you’ve used [Pro/Elements/SE]
● Condensing for divisi: it’s now easy to have multi-staff divisi parts and for the conductor’s score to display a single, perfectly labeled staff [Pro]
● Line editors: design your own vertical and horizontal lines with a suite of robust editors [Pro]
● Slurs: effortless slur editing, smarter slur placement, and enhanced collision avoidance with refined appearance [Pro]
● Beams: more flexible beaming, including beams that begin and end with rests [Pro/Elements/SE]
● Instrumental parts: easily create flexible ensemble instrumental parts in different transpositions [Pro/Elements/SE]
● Options and Properties: new filter and search features let you easily and quickly navigate Dorico’s hundreds of options and properties, putting everything right at your fingertips [Pro]
● MusicXML export: expanded MusicXML export makes it easy to exchange music created in Dorico with users of other software [Pro/Elements/SE]
● User interface enhancements: customize page and background colors for improved accessibility [Pro/Elements/SE]
● Hollywood-style parts: add extra blank staves to fill the page with a single click [Pro/Elements/SE]
● Blank staves for education: quickly create empty staves for teaching materials, with room for students to input their answers [Pro]
● Keda Indian Drum basics: new tabla, dhol, dholak and pakhawaj sounds [Pro/Elements/SE]
● Dozens of additional features, workflow enhancements, and bug fixes
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